This site serves to support the SCAN portal. It provides user guides for entering records and images in SCAN and also how to view and download these records and images for species and regions. Although most of the collections on the SCAN portal use Symbiota software as their database management system, the SCAN data portal serves specimen and observation data from any database. The geographic focus is on North America and/or North American collections, but we host orphan collections from around the world.

The above map represents locations of known arthropod collections in the World (931 institutions) Tiers reflect number of specimens. Tier 1: > 3 million; Tier 2: > 1 million < 3 million; Tier 3: > 100,000 < 1,000,000; Tier 4: < 100,000  See more detail here   


The SCAN data portal is funded by three major TCNs (see links below), all of which share the SCAN database along with arthropod collections associated with the InvertEBase TCN. SCAN includes over 24 million arthropod records and 4.7 million images.

Lepidoptera of North America Network: Documenting Diversity in the Largest Clade of Herbivores (LepNet)

ParasiteTracker: Documenting Arthropod Vertebrate Parasites 

Southwest Collection of Arthropods Network


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